Friday, March 25, 2022

Coming soon! Legends of the Forsaken Empire: FORETOLD

It's been a long, LONG road, rolling volume three (Volume four if you include the prequel, Realm of Thorns) of the Forsaken Empire series to publication, but we've almost brought this big baby home!
FORETOLD, Spring 2022

Through the usual full-time job schedule's hectic pace, two bouts of COVID, one concussion, and some discouraging setbacks that carved away huge chunks of writing time during these past two years, I'm able to catch a breath of relief. FORETOLD is in the final stages of publication! Thank the Lord! (Exhale.) It's been humbling to research the struggles of medieval believers, recorded by chroniclers, who fought for the right to possess and study the Scriptures--a right we've often take for-granted in modern times. Another topic for a future post!

FORETOLD is the final, and largest book in the Legends of the Forsaken Empire series--the largest, because I didn't want to write two smaller books to finish this series. Though I tried to trim and write sparingly, I couldn't whittle Tarian Savtroi's story lower than approximately 164,000 words. By contrast, FOREFEITED and FORSWORN each finished slightly below 120,000 words, which is usually my goal for historical novels. If you're a reader who delights in swift reads that you can polish off in a few hours ... forgive me. But for those of you who love huge, epic, fantasy-realm family sagas inspired by actual history, I pray you enjoy Tarian's story as much as I did while researching and writing it for him.

Love and blessings, and thank you for your patience and encouragement, 

Kacy Barnett-Gramckow, writing as R. J. Larson.