Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Dawnlight Giveaway!

Giveaway!!! TEN e-copies of Dawnlight *Finished!*

Here are our winners!

Christa Scott, Kara Grant, Laura Pol, Eric, Elizabeth Machado, Janette Bangheri
Megan Wilson, Celita Perillo, Brittany Nader, Susan Johnson, Julie Dick, Julie Smith
LuAnn Koehl, Angie Brasher  

Starting Wednesday April 16th at 12:01 AM through Saturday April 19th at
midnight, Elk Lake Publishers will offer Dawnlight at .99 cents on Amazon, for Kindle readers!
To celebrate, I'm offering ten copies free--to be sent out to ten random picks on Friday evening,
April 17, 2014.

Celebrate your Holy-Day weekend by relaxing with this joyous Resurrection story inspired by Matthew 27:52-53!

To enter the random no-strings drawing, send me a note via the form on this webpage:

I won't add your email to a list, nor will I sell it, I promise.

If your name is chosen on Friday evening at 6:00pm MT, I'll simply send Dawnlight your way, and Amazon will notify you! Please, in your entry email, let me know which Amazon email you'd prefer to use.

If you prefer to have your prize sent to another reader, please enclose their Amazon-friendly address in your email.

Winners will be listed on this blog next week!


"...And the tombs were opened and many bodies of the righteous who had fallen asleep were brought to life again, and after His resurrection, they went into Jerusalem and appeared to many."